Friday, July 13, 2012

Thing Four: Your Thoughts Matter

Everyone likes to be heard and know that they have a voice. It’s like what Doug Johnson, creator of The Blue Skunk Blog, says: “ Writers like knowing that they have been read”. This I think is especially true in the blogging community. Here we are able to post about our life and hobbies and allow others to take a glimpse into that particular part of our life. Then the magic begins! People actually start to express an interest in the same things as you and together we are able to begin a relationship amongst one another in this community. As a teacher-in-training I spend a lot of time browsing the web looking for ideas to bring into my future classroom. One thing I am typically bad about is never responding to what I think of others advice or ideas. After reading The Coolcat Teacher Blog, I realized just how important this step is. By commenting I am able to let this person know we think and feel the same way. And who knows, maybe my comment will even spark another interest of theirs. By commenting we are able to start a discussion where multiple parties are then able to grow and feel free to express themselves. This type of connection is what I feel blogging is all about. 

I commented on the following Blogs:
A Summer Full of Technology  here Olivia has some cute images she made using the an image generator. 

Educational Summer tells about how creating a self contract can help motivate students to reach their goals in schools. 

John Collins Teaching Blog  discusses the importance of having a backup plan in case technology fails you unexpectedly. 

Irwin Reclaiming the Classroom  talks about how it's important that students learn to take responsibility for their own learning. 

Guentert's Way to History has some great ideas on how to use Spell with Flickr in the classroom.

Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour has some delish dinner ideas as well as an some awesome DIY project ideas!

Sailing Through 1st Grade has a synonym lesson you'll go wild for!

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