Friday, July 27, 2012

Thing Seventeen: Why Don't We Pin About It?

For this thing I was to learn how to tag and bookmark things found on the web through using the sight delicious. And boy was it deliciously rotten! I would rather use my bookmark tab on my browser versus using this site. Now that I have that out of my system, (whew!) this is not true for all tagging and bookmarking sights. Pinterest anyone? Yup I’m an addict of it and who wouldn’t be! It’s so easy to use and helpful. What I like most about Pinterest is that when you make a pin or repin you save an image and a description to an album you create. A lot of websites even have links provided to their Pinterest page so it is easier to follow them and know what's going on. For example, if I find a recipe for a cake I like I would use a pin it button (which you add to your browser once you join Pinterest) to select a picture of the cake, add a description about the cake, and place it in a photo album that I name. I then can log onto Pinterest at anytime anywhere, look in that photo album, look for that picture, and open the website and Bam there’s my recipe! I can also follow other people’s pins and browse for pins on Pinterest by subject or category. It’s very helpful for educators. It allows you to get ideas, resource materials from various websites, and keep up to date with what other teachers you may know are doing in their classroom.

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