Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thing Thirteen: Other Ways To Make Documents Besides In The Office

For this thing I was to explore some online options for creating a word document or presentation. I decided to look at Zoho Writer and Google documents. Creating the Zoho account was easy but I did not particular care for the process of verifying my email address. I also wish it had more font options and a layout that was easier to navigate. There also should be explanations for what each tab and selection can do such as what’s in Word Document. The review section of the document was easy to use though which I find very helpful, especially the thesaurus. In Google documents I decided to look at the power point presentation option and noticed it had a lot of the same problems as Zoho writer. It was limited in presentation designs, text, animations, and lacked explanations as to what items could do. Again, I also did not particular like the set up of the site either. I also could not find an area to add sound to my slides. (Microsoft Office has spoiled me!) I did however make the following short slide show check it out! Out of the two viewed I would have to say I ended up liking Google better. It was easier to figure out than Zoho.
The tools viewed would be great to use in a classroom for students to create their own presentations or papers; especially if they or the school cannot afford software such as Microsoft Office. For me personally though I prefer to stick with Microsoft Office.

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