Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thing Eight: Say Cheese!

For this thing I was to explore the magic that is flickr mashups. This activity even allowed me to like fickr a little bit more than previously thought. It was a lot of fun creating these two products shown below. The first I made at this sight Mosaic Maker and uploaded pictures from the flickr website.It was easy to do but time consuming because I really wanted to pick some pictures that represented my interests. So... here's a little bit more about me as told through my collage: I want to one day take a mission trip to Uganda to teach. I also would like to visit Paris. My first year of college I took French and loved learning the language and about the culture. I love art! My favorite artist is Andy Warhol and was very lucky to actually get to view an exhibit of his works a few years ago. Audrey Hepburn has always been a role model of mine. My favorite movie, you probably guessed it, Breakfast at Tiffanys! The second project I did was create a puzzle. It was very easy to do; all it took was uploading a picture from flickr and ta-da there it was! For both of these projects you can upload your own pictures as well they did not have to be from flickr.
I liked doing the projects, however, do not see where they would have much value in the classroom. It would be cute if students could create a collage as I did and describe what interests them but I would not use a sight such as flickr (only due to student usage). Instead you could have students draw out images. You could also print out images related to a lesson and have students create a collage using the pictures to retell the events of a story. You could also create puzzles to have in the classroom for a rainy day that have images of people that will be studied or of pieces of art.

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