Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thing Two: What Are The Wright Things

So what are The Wright Things? The Wright Things is a blog created for an education class. I chose to name my blog The Wright Things because my last name (go figure) is Wright. The “things” are the meat of this class assignment. I will be researching and blogging about 23 resources that can be found online that may be useful to me later as a teacher.
Creating the blog was not that difficult only because I had to create one for a previous education class. For this blog; however, I knew I wanted to take the time to learn how to do some new things. For starters, I looked up blog templates to make it cute. The only trouble I had with this was creating the banner. To do this I had to save the image I wanted to my desktop and open it in paint to add the name of my blog. I found my blog template and banner on the cutest blog on the block. I love it and think it fits my style well. Speaking of style, like the avatar? This was also something I had to create for thing two.  I thought that this was a fun little exercise that shows a nifty little view of me! Creating the avatar was not difficult and did not take long to do. I don’t see where it will used in the classroom or as an educator, but if you have free time it’s something neat to do.

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